Monday, 23 June 2008


I find myself in June already! Where do the months go? I have spent much of May and June (both of which have been lovely on the whole weatherwise) working on the garden. I have created a couple of raised beds and completely reworked the area around the shed. The old shed was rotten so it was taken down. I put it on Freecycle and someone came and got it. If you have a Freecycle near you, use it. It is a fantastic idea and you can put wanted ads on as well as putting your old stuff on there for other people. It is on the web and a quick 'Google' will find it. The only proviso is that it is all free, you cannot ask for any money. However it means that other people come and take away stuff that you do not want or need and it costs you nothing! Back to the garden. I got a new shed and a greenhouse. I have never had a greenhouse before but I am enjoying it thoroughly so far :) I have planted tomatoes, courgettes and cucumber as well as several types of lettuce and leaf. I also got a couple of strawberry plants for good measure! As well as all that I have sown some spring onion so we will see what happens!

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